Fatimetou Abdel Malick
Focal cities
2015 December
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Fatimetou Abdel Malick
Focal cities
2015 December
The inaugural Africa Urban Forum (AUF) 2024, held from 4 to 6 September in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, marked a significant milestone for urban development across the continent. Organised by the African Union Commission and the Government of Ethiopia, with technical support from UN-Habitat and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, this unprecedented event culminated decades of advocacy and commitment to prioritising urban Africa.
Read moreThe Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa initiative (CoM SSA), a European Union action, reached new heights in 2023. Seven Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs) were launched, over 50 climate and energy badges were awarded, CoM SSA Mayors led the sub-Saharan Africa climate action agenda at regional and global forums, and CoM SSA grew to over 360 signatories. See the full CoM SSA 2023 overview document here.
Read moreThe inaugural ceremony for a new public lighting installation, powered by photovoltaic technology, recently took place in Toujounine, Mauritania. The event was attended by key actors, such as Mr Nany ould Chrouga, Minister of Petroleum, Energy, and Mines, Ms Fatimetou mint Abdel Malick, the Council President of the Region of Nouakchott, Mauritania, accompanied by the EU Ambassador, Mr Gwilym Jones and the General Coordinator for the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), Ms Rita Santos. This action is co-financed by the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) and the project Supporting the Nouakchott region for sustainable, resilient and equitable development ARENDDRE.
Read moreAmid the scorching temperatures marking 2023 as the hottest year on record, the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) showcased unwavering determination and vigour at COP28 in Dubai. The landmark event, which spanned from November 29 to December 14, culminated in the UAE Consensus, which includes: a call to transition away from fossil fuels, a framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation as well as unprecedented references to multilevel action. Despite these strides, the Consensus fell short of closing the climate ambition and implementation gaps, underscoring the critical role of subnational governments in charting a sustainable course for the future.
Read moreWe, the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) Regional Mayors Forum (RMF) - Governors and Mayors representing the voices of over 350 cities in sub-Saharan Africa, with a total population exceeding 150 million people - make the following Declaration at the Africa Climate Summit and the Africa Climate Week 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya
Read moreAfrican subnational governments have evidence-based plans and projects to accelerate climate action, but significantly increased funding is needed to implement these at scale. An unprecedented number of subnational government leaders present at the Africa Climate Week and Summit, held from the 4th to the 8th of September in Nairobi, Kenya called for the mandatory inclusion of subnational governments in the preparation of the next phase of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by 2025, re-emphasising the critical importance of multilevel governance in tackling the climate crisis.
Read moreAt the beginning of 2021, during a major public ceremony, the Mauritanian Ministry of Rural Development granted the Region of Nouakchott a 10-hectare plot of land located on the outskirts of the capital, as well as a large batch of agriculture equipment intended for the development of agricultural land, the fruit of the cooperation efforts of the region with the State. The "Feeding and greening Nouakchott" project was born. Thus, one of the recommendations of the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP), drawn up in 2020, has materialized: to develop urban and peri-urban agriculture in the city.
Read moreWe, the Covenant of Mayors in Sub Saharan Africa Regional Mayors Forum, representing the voices of over 320 cities in sub-Saharan Africa, with a total population exceeding 150 million people, and building off the Dakar Declaration, make the following statement here at COP27:
Read moreOn 4 October 2022, at the Climate Chance Summit in Dakar, the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) became the first initiative in sub-Saharan Africa to launch gender guides specific for local governments on climate action planning and project implementation.
Read moreThe Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa participated in the Africities Summit 9 by hosting several sessions including a high level opening plenary to mobilise and expand the CoM SSA network and officially launch the Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAP) of two signatory cities. CoM SSA used the Summit as an opportunity to bring together the newly-elected CoM SSA Regional Mayors Forum for their inaugural meeting. Nine mayors representing the four regions of Sub-Saharan Africa took part in a closed session where the chairperson, Mayor of Kloto I (Togo) was elected.
Read moreLeaders and technical experts from six local governments discussed their climate action plans during a CoM SSA session at Africities. These cities have already completed, or are near completing, robust Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans and are motivated to implement on-the-ground change.
Read moreThe Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) and its implementing partner Expertise France decided to highlight the cross-cutting issues of climate, energy and waste management in African cities during two technical sessions at the Africities Summit with representatives of CoM SSA signatories, climate experts, civil society, technical and financial partners and specialised lawyers were able to dialogue.
Read moreRepresentatives from the municipalities of Nouakchott (Mauritania), Praia and Ribera Grande de Santiago (Cabo Verde) as well as Dakar and Pikine (Senegal) travelled to Tenerife to exchange knowledge and experiences in the fight against climate change and shift towards sustainable energy.
Read moreThe webinar was a first attempt to discuss the importance of mainstreaming social and gender issues within the development of Street Lighting projects. CoM SSA partner, AFD took this opportunity to launch a Gender Sensitive Public Lighting User Guide developed to help municipalities to develop SL projects that integrate gender at different stage of project development.
Read moreIn order to prioritise gender relevant climate actions, gender needs to be entrenched from early on in the planning process. Understanding the context and unique challenges women face is critical to plan for, develop and implement gender sensitive climate actions.
Read moreLocal authorities in Sub-Saharan Africa are prioritising climate action and identifying potential sources of funding for their local climate and energy projects with the support of CoM SSA.
Read moreStarted 4 years ago, the Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) is a network, now strong of more than 210 cities, where cities commit to climate action in general, and more specifically to adopt and implement a climate action plan.
Read moreThis publication is intended to inform on the status and challenges of existing SLS and presents a set of methodologies and tools for planning and implementing gender-sensitive public lighting infrastructure projects.