  • 2019 - 2024

    Refined focus on unlocking climate finance

    New implementing partners, the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the Agence Française d’Expertise Technique Internationale (Expertise France), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ); focusing on unlocking climate finance.

  • 2022 - 2024

    ICLEI Africa hosts the CoM SSA Secretariat and integrated Technical Helpdesk

    The integrated CoM SSA Secretariat and Technical Helpdesk are the first contact points for CoM SSA cities and serve all CoM SSA signatories with light touch technical support and deep-dive support, upon request, to a number of signatories. The CoM SSA Secretariat and Technical Helpdesk are the key coordination structures for the initiative, providing advocacy support, and ensuring effective communication and visibility for the initiative.

  • 2020 - 2021

    Integrated Secretariat and Technical Helpdesk

    The CoM SSA Secretariat and Technical Helpdesk is led by ICLEI Africa with support from United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA) and The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)

  • 2017 - 2019

    Technical trainings for city staff

    950 city staff trained in 23 workshops, knowledge exchanges and trainings

  • 2019

    SEACAP Guidebook launched

    The European Commission's Joint Research Centre Guidebook and offline reporting template launched

  • 2016 - 2018

    Pilot Project implementation

    13 pilot cities selected to receive in depth support for SEACAP development and pilot project implementation EUR 10.9 million

  • 2017

    Global Covenant of Mayors

    GCoM brings together the Covenant of Mayors Europe and the Compact of Mayors

  • 2015

    CoM SSA is established

    Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) initiative supports Sub-Saharan cities in their fight against climate change and in their efforts in ensuring access to clean energy. Started in 2015, the initiative is shaped by local authorities for the local authorities to reflect the local context and specifics.

Join the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa

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What is CoM SSA?

Started in 2015, the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) is a major catalyst for local climate action in the region, with political commitment from over 350 local governments. The purpose of CoM SSA is to support local governments in moving from planning to implementation, with a focus on unlocking climate finance at the local level.

The CoM SSA initiative is a European Union (EU) action that supports the external dimension of the European Green Deal, as the global challenges of climate change and environmental degradation require a global response. At the same time CoM SSA moves to strengthen the Africa-EU partnership and supports Agenda 2063 of the African Union Commission.

CoM SSA is the regional chapter of an international alliance of cities, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. It is a partnership between city networks, development agencies and funding institutions, supporting cities in meeting the dual challenge of climate change and access to sustainable energy to achieve a low-emission, climate resilient and sustainable energy future.

Why work on energy and climate change with cities on the African continent?

  • By 2050 Africa’s urban population will triple, and will be the second largest urban population in the world.
  • Despite being the continent most affected by the impacts of climate change and contributing 4% to global greenhouse gas emissions, only 3% of total climate finance flows to Africa.
  • Currently 548 million people lack access to electricity in Africa.

The CoM SSA initiative works through three pillars of action:

    1. Planning support: development of Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs),
    2. Project development: urban infrastructure project support, and
    3. Knowledge exchange and partnerships: city-to-city/regional partnerships and exchanges

    The CoM SSA Secretariat is the first contact point for CoM SSA cities and serve all CoM SSA signatories with light touch technical support and deep-dive support to a limited number of signatories. The CoM SSA Secretariat is the key coordination structure for the initiative, providing advocacy support, and ensuring effective communication and visibility for the initiative.

    Technical support for the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa signatories

    General: Available to all signatories

    Deep-dive: Available on request, please contact technicalhelpdesk@comssa.org

    Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan journey

    Political commitment step icon Under the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) initiative local authorities are invited to make a voluntarily political commitment to implement climate and energy actions in their communities and agree on a long-term vision to tackle 3 pillars, namely access to energy, mitigation and adaptation.
    Webinars, training and knowledge exchanges In order to translate the political commitment into practical measures, CoM SSA signatories commit to produce and implement a Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP). These sessions aid in the SEACAP process.
    CoM SSA Signatories Portal The CoM SSA Signatories Portal provides signatories with tailored resources and opportunities for funding, connecting with partners and engaging with other signatories as well as unique access to the SEACAP Toolbox.
    CoM SSA resource library
    Baseline and reporting review step icon These baseline reports include a Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment and an Access to Energy Assessment. In order to set targets a starting point is required. This is done by conducting a baseline review of the current status in the city concerning the mitigation, adaptation and access to energy. The baseline review represents a starting point for measuring progress over time. Also and very importantly, the Baseline review will provide policy and decision-makers with an overview that will enable them to identify the most cost-efficient actions that will be included in their action plan.
    Tailored training workshops Tailored training workshops are aimed at building the capacities of government officials to enable a just energy transition that simultaneously enhances climate resilience. Training workshops currently available include; climate change sensitisation; SEACAP conceptualisation and SEACAP development.
    Data quality assessment
    Tailored tools and templates These include: Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission inventory, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment and an Access to Energy Assessment
    Strategic target setting and action planning step icon Based on findings of the baseline review, signatories will have to set targets for their actions according to their priorities, capacity and municipal strategies.
    Tailored training workshops Tailored training workshops are aimed at building the capacities of government officials to enable a just energy transition that simultaneously enhances climate resilience. Training workshops currently available include; climate change sensitisation; SEACAP conceptualisation; SEACAP development; and project conceptualisation).
    Tailored tools and templates Tailored tools include the Proxy Data Tool, workshop tools and templates as well as SEACAP templates.
    SEACAP submission step icon Review and validation of SEACAP as well as reporting on the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System
    Review of offline SEACAP reporting template
    Support with online reporting Deep dive service: Support with reporting on the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System [https://www.cdp.net/en/cities-discloser].
    Tailored training workshops
    Project development step icon Project development includes prioritisation and early stage development. In order to set targets a starting point is required. This is done by conducting a baseline review of the current status in the city concerning the mitigation, adaptation and access to energy. The baseline review will therefore represent a starting point for measuring progress over time. Also and very importantly, the Baseline review will provide policy and decision-makers with an overview that will enable them to identify the most cost-efficient actions that will be included in their action plan.
    Self-guided climate finance course Access the course here: https://learningportal.comssa.org/
    Project concept notes & Pre-feasibility studies
    Expert-facilitated climate finance course
    Project implementation step icon Opportunities to showcase projects during events and/or share projects concepts with partners.
    Access to tailored funding opportunities
    Monitoring and reporting step icon After submitting the SEACAP and beginning their implementation, signatories will monitor their progress in order to check the compliance of the interim results with the foreseen objectives.
    Support with online reporting Support with reporting on the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System: https://www.cdp.net/en/cities-discloser

    Signatories’ Commitment

    We, the Mayors signing this Covenant, share a vision for a sustainable future – whatever the size and location of our municipality. This common vision drives our action to tackle interconnected challenges: climate change mitigation, adaptation and access to sustainable energy. We are also aware that low emissions development is a key challenge, in this context, for sustainable growth. We stand ready together to deliver concrete, long term measures that provide an environmentally, socially and economically stable environment for present and future generations. It is our collective responsibility to transition to more sustainable, attractive, liveable, resilient and energy efficient communities.

    It is free to join CoM SSA.

    Signatories’ Commitment

    Contact us for more information

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    CoM SSA is co-funded by the European Union (EU), the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID).


    Four implementing partners, the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the Agence Française d’Expertise Technique Internationale (Expertise France); the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), support the following actions: 15 cities to develop or improve their SEACAPs; 16 urban energy infrastructure projects to reach bankability and are ready for financing; EUR160 million mobilised for climate and energy projects; and 220 thousand tons of CO2 equivalent emission reduction potential for 15 years following implementation.


    The CoM SSA Secretariat is hosted by ICLEI Africa.


    CoM SSA partners with a range of civil society organisations, local and regional authorities and networks, throughout Sub-Saharan Africa to provide technical support, networking opportunities and other capacity-building activities in signatory cities. These organisations play a crucial role in supporting signatory cities to attain their climate and energy goals within CoM SSA.

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