CoM SSA Guidebook: your practical guide for sustainable energy and climate action in Africa
Published: 15 May 2019
Although Africa currently enjoys unprecedented economic development and strong demographic and urban growth, the continent is under significant threat from climate change. Limited and unreliable energy access is also a major impediment to economic growth. In order to adapt to these future climate and energy challenges, African local governments have a crucial role to play.
This makes the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) a key player to provide cities and municipalities in Sub-Saharan Africa with technical support to assess their climate change and access to energy needs, and develop sustainable action plans to prevent and adapt to climate change, as well as gain access to renewable energy.
Therefore, it is necessary for African cities and municipalities to understand the necessary steps to be taken for appropriate adaptation responses to these problems locally.
The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has released a guidebook entitled “How to develop a Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) in Sub-Saharan Africa” as a tool for CoM SSA signatories. The guidebook provides directions and guidance to local governments on the steps to follow when developing their climate and energy action plans.
Click below to download the CoM SSA guidebook: