Civil society engages with cities for sustainable solutions to climate change in Africa
Published: 13 May 2019

What role should civil society play in the development and implementation of sustainable climate and energy action plans by African cities and municipalities? We’re now engaging with civil society organisations to find a concrete answer to this question.
CSOs discuss their involvement in the implementation of climate action plans developed by CoM SSA signatory cities
During our capacity building workshop for civil society organisations in Lomé, Togo, civil society actors committed to working more closely with cities to develop sustainable solutions to climate and energy problems in Africa.
The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) and Enda Energie, a non-governmental organization trained more than 25 members of civil society organisations on climate and energy to strengthen their involvement in the implementation of action plans developed by CoM SSA signatory cities. The three-day workshop was held from 25 to 27 March 2019.
Read and download the participants’ statement at the end of this first workshop for civil society organisations available here: Statement by Civil Society Organisations