Pikine and Dakar wrap-up successful joint project
Published: 19 Feb 2024
Climate Finance
Success Stories

The final steering committee meeting of the third phase of the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) project for Pikine and Dakar (PACMAS III) took place in January. The event saw the participation of prominent local authorities, including the Mayor of the city of Pikine, Mr. Abdoulaye Thimbo, and Mr. Jean Louis Ndiaye, Deputy Mayor of the city of Dakar, along with representatives from the Municipal Development Agency (ADM) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), including the General Coordinator of AECID in Senegal, Javier Vega Barral.
PACMAS III is part of CoM SSA, a programme launched in 2015 by the European Commission in a context marked by the intensification of global warming and the urgent need to fulfil the requirements of the Paris Agreement. CoM SSA provides support to more than 360 cities and aims to support cities in facing climate change, enhancing their planning capacity, and providing them with a platform to share knowledge and best practices. The cities of Dakar (2015) and Pikine (2017) are committed to the initiative as signatory cities. In 2021, the 3rd phase of the project began, co-financed by AECID and the European Union, both in Pikine and Dakar, with a total budget of €2,089,000.
The project has stood out for its integrated approach and the creation of synergies between Pikine and Dakar. It is also important to highlight the participation of the Municipal Development Agency (ADM) and the NGO Enda Energía as co-implementing actors for the project.
The main interventions of PACMAS III include:
- the increase in access to sustainable energy and support for local climate action,
- the empowerment of local authorities to meet the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
- the improvement of the institutional framework and technical capacities, and
- the promotion of political ownership and the dissemination of best practices.
PACMAS III has been granted a 3-month extension, and it is expected that the project will conclude in March 2024. On this occasion, the responsible authorities have agreed to organise a final close-out meeting to share the key results of this phase, lessons learned, and future challenges with all parties involved in its implementation.