Mombasa and Nakuru Exchange on Urban Smart Energy
Published: 27 Sep 2023
Access to Energy

Clean energy is a significant concern for both Mombasa and Nakuru counties in Kenya, requiring joint efforts for effective solutions. In recognition of this, the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA)’s co-implementing partner, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), organised a city-to-city exchange between these counties in September. This discussion enabled county governments to share experiences on Urban Smart Energy (USE), renewable energy, climate change and energy efficiency projects.
USE is a standardised product implemented by GIZ to support local governments in implementing decentralised energy systems and energy efficiency measures on city-owned sites such as city halls, markets, schools, or healthcare centres. This approach enhances access to clean and resilient energy, results in savings through reduced energy bills, and stimulates employment and local income.

and Referral Hospital
As both Nakuru and Mombasa are signatories to CoM SSA, these cities are able to access opportunities provided by the initiative, such as knowledge exchange and partnerships through city-to-city partnerships and exchanges. Mombasa has shown great leadership in the USE process, read more here.
Since joining CoM SSA in May 2022, Mombasa has initiated various USE projects, including analysing 28 county-owned facilities, shortlisting ten key ones, and installing smart energy meters for detailed data collection up to October 2023.
By observing Mombasa's advancements, Nakuru County saw an opportunity to deepen its knowledge of USE activities. During the visit, the two teams exchanged ideas on energy initiatives, staffing structures, energy policies, regulatory framework, and challenges like energy costs. They also visited a site to view the smart energy meter installation process firsthand. A notable part of the visit was a workshop on smart meter dashboards, where teams learnt how to use and analyse reporting generation and draw insights from the data for improved decision-making and to drive behavioural changes.

and Referral Hospital
The structured two-day visit ensured effective learning and collaboration. Day one focused on discussions about institutional frameworks, on-site energy meter installations, and briefs on activities and policies. Day two provided a practical understanding of the smart meter dashboard's functionalities.

This exchange has strengthened the partnership between Mombasa and Nakuru and signals the beginning of more collaborations. In tandem with CoM SSA, both cities are jointly working towards a sustainable energy future for Kenya.
Pictured in featured photo: Key participants from Mombasa included Waziri Emily Achieng, CECM - Water, Natural Resources & Climate Change Resilience, and Ms. Mariam Mapenzi - Water, Natural Resources & Climate Change Resilience. Nakuru's delegation featured Dr. Nelson Maara – CECM Water, Environment, Energy, Natural Resources, and Climate Change; Kennedy Mungai - Chief Officer of Water, Environment, Energy, Natural Resources, and Climate Change; Grace Karanja - Director of Water, Environment, Energy, Natural resources, and Climate Change; Antony Alfred, Climate Change Officer, among others.