Launch of the support to CoM SSA signatory cities in Togo on the sidelines of upcoming Regional Forum
Published: 1 Jun 2021

CoM SSA implementing partner Expertise France is pleased to invite you to a workshop to launch the national support process for CoM SSA signatory cities in Togo. This launch will take place alongside the Regional Forum on Resilience and climate ambition of West-African local governments, organised by CoM SSA. In hybrid form, the forum will be held in Lomé (Togo) from 10 to 11 June 2021 and online. The forum is titled, "Strengthening the resilience and increasing the climate ambition of local authorities in Africa”.
In the context of the year 2021, marked by the combination of an unprecedented health and economic crisis and the climate emergency, the action of local and regional authorities stood out. By demonstrating a strong capacity to react and adapt, they have confirmed their effectiveness and their ability to take over in the context of a major crisis.
As a major local actor, these governments reinforce the idea of strengthening their inclusion in the fight for more sustainable and resilient development, including the structuring of a dialogue with the State. The time has also come to take into account the efforts of local and regional authorities in achieving the objectives set by the States in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
With the participation of UEMOA, BOAD, EBID, UNDP, the European Union and West African local government associations, this Forum will explore the role of local governments in the post-COVID economic and climate recovery plan context, and the initiatives and conditions enabling them to increase their access to climate finance.
The CoM SSA initiative, launched in November 2015 by the European Union, is part of this framework and has enabled the process of strengthening the capacities of cities and territories to meet the challenges of climate change and access to reliable, sustainable and affordable energy. On the sidelines of this forum, Expertise France continued its support to the 29 Togolese cities that are CoM SSA signatories. A technical workshop bringing together the mayors and focal points of the various cities will take place on 9 June.
Join us and follow the event in French and English :
See the programme below in French: