Cidade velha (Ribeira Grande)
Cape Verde
Focal cities
2019 February
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Cape Verde
Focal cities
2019 February
The Municipalities of Praia and Ribeira Grande de Santiago voluntarily committed to becoming key actors in the fight against climate change with CoM SSA in 2020. The first step to turn their political commitment into tangible actions is to create a Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) that will guide all the actions that the municipalities need to undertake to make their territories more adapted, safe and resilient to the effects of climate change.
Read moreThe CoM SSA Day event held in Dakar was the ideal place to exchange knowledge and experiences among the different actors of the climate community on cost-effective ways to address climate change while reducing energy waste, saving money, and affordably expanding the use of renewable energy resources. Some of the conclusions achieved at the event is that energy efficiency is critical to solving the climate crisis, and local governments are central to achieving the transition into resilient cities.
Read moreThe Praia City Council, CMP, is committed to transforming the municipality and contributing to local and global sustainability. CMP has taken an important step by joining CoM SSA and is currently developing its Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) in partnership with the Ribeira Grande City Council.
Read moreRepresentatives from the municipalities of Nouakchott (Mauritania), Praia and Ribera Grande de Santiago (Cabo Verde) as well as Dakar and Pikine (Senegal) travelled to Tenerife to exchange knowledge and experiences in the fight against climate change and shift towards sustainable energy.
Read moreThrough the installation of solar panels, the local government of Ribeira Grande de Santiago will be able to produce its own 100% sustainable energy in its headquarters and at the city's heritage sites.
Read moreIn Cabo Verde the Spanish Cooperation is supporting Ribeira Grande de Santiago and Praia municipalities in their journey as signatory cities of the Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA), a programme co-financed by the European Union. Since 2019, CoM SSA focuses on attracting climate-related funding at the local level to move from planning to action.
Read moreThe cities of Praia and Ribeira Grande de Santiago, AECID’s local partners in the country, are opening a call for proposals for the preparation of a joint Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP).
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