

The CoM SSA SEACAP Toolbox provides an easy-to-use step-by-step guide to support the development of a SEACAP from start to finish. It is a hands-on tool, designed as a series of slide presentations, presented as individual modules, to support local governments implement the recommendations in the SEACAP guidebook. It complements the existing SEACAP Guidebook.

Module 1: Setting the Scene
Module 1.1: Introduction to the CoM SSA Initiative
Overview of the CoM SSA Initiative
Module 1.2: Introduction to the SEACAP
What is a SEACAP?
Overview of the SEACAP development process
Introduction to the 3 SEACAP Pillars and what is covered under each pillar
Module 1.3: Climate change and cities in Africa
Introduction to climate change
Global impacts of climate change
Climate change in the African context
The link between climate change and urban development
Module 2: SEACAP Mitigation Pillar
Module 2.1: Key concepts relating to climate change mitigation
Key concepts related to climate change mitigation
Module 2.2: Introduction to the mitigation pillar
What is climate change mitigation?
Overview of the SEACAP development process
The mitigation pillar components of a SEACAP
Module 2.3: Initiation of the mitigation pillar
How to initiate the mitigation pillar
Module 2.4: Developing a Baseline Emissions Inventory
What is a BEI?
What are the key principles of a BEI?
What are the sources of emissions to be included in a BEI?
Data collection for the BEI
What to do for incidences where data is limited or does not exist?
Calculating GHG emissions for a BEI
Module 2.4.1: The use of proxy data to develop a BEI
Why proxy data are sometimes used to develop a BEI?
Assumptions used in development of the Proxy Data Tool spreadsheet
Sources of proxy data
How Proxy Data Tool works
Module 2.4.2: The Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC)
Overview of the GPC framework
The parameters for reporting using the GPC
Sectors and scopes within a GPC-compliant inventory
Determinants of data quality
Module 2.4.3: Introduction to the CIRIS Tool
What the CIRIS tool is and why should we use it?
How to understand global warming potentials and conversion factors
The structure of the CIRIS tool and how to apply it
Module 2.5: Setting a mitigation vision and sectoral targets
Criteria for target setting
Why are targets useful?
What is a mitigation vision?
What does a mitigation vision look like?
What are mitigation sector targets?
What do mitigation sector targets look like?
Additional important considerations for target setting
Module 2.6: Setting mitigation actions
What are mitigation actions?
Key aspects to consider when setting mitigation actions
Module 2.7: Unpacking the CoM SSA offline reporting template: Mitigation Pillar
Overview of how to report on the mitigation pillar to the JRC Reporting Template
Module 3: SEACAP Access to Energy Pillar
Module 3.1: Key concepts relating to access to energy
Key concepts related to Access to energy
Module 3.2: Introduction to the access to energy pillar
What is access to energy
State of energy access in Africa
What is clean cooking
State of access to clean cooking in Africa
Module 3.3: Initiation of the access to energy pillar
Overview of the SEACAP development process
How to initiate the Access to energy pillar
Desktop research
Stakeholder engagement
Data collection & best practices for undertaking this
Module 3.3.1: Access to energy assessment field data collection guidance
What should be done before, during and after data collection by each actor
Module 3.4: Developing an Access to Energy Assessment
What is an AEA?
Why conduct an AEA?
Initial steps to take before developing a AEA
Key aspects to include in a AEA
Module 3.5: Setting an energy vision and targets
What is an energy access vision?
What does an energy vision look like?
What are energy targets?
What do energy targets look like?
Module 3.6: Setting energy actions
What are energy actions?
Key aspects to consider when setting energy actions
Module 3.7: Unpacking the CoM SSA offline reporting template: Access to Energy Pillar
Overview of how to report on the Access to energy pillar to the JRC Reporting Template
Module 4: SEACAP Adaptation Pillar
Module 4.1: Key concepts relating to climate change adaptation
Key concepts related to climate change adaptation
Module 4.2: Introduction to the adaptation pillar
What is climate change adaptation?
Why adapt to the impacts of climate change?
Overview of the SEACAP development process
The adaptation pillar components of a SEACAP
Module 4.3: Initiation of the adaptation pillar
Overview of the SEACAP development process
How to initiate the adaptation pillar
Module 4.4: Developing a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
Initial steps to take before developing a RVA
Key aspects to include in a RVA
Module 4.5: Setting an adaptation vision and sectoral targets
What is an adaptation vision?
What does an adaptation vision look like?
What are adaptation sectoral targets?
What do adaptation sectoral targets look like?
Module 4.6: Setting adaptation actions
What are adaptation actions?
Key aspects to consider when setting adaptation actions
Module 4.7: Unpacking the CoM SSA offline reporting template: Adaptation Pillar
Overview of how to report on the adaptation pillar to the JRC Reporting Template
Module 5: Project packaging and development: Steps to take ahead of implementation
Module 5.1: Recap of the SEACAP development process
Brief recap of a SEACAP – what and why?
Where local governments should be in their planning process in order to start this module
Module 5.2: Next steps for prioritized actions
Detailing sub-activities for each action
Defining timeframes for each action
Costing actions and sub-activities
Defining roles and responsibilities for actions and sub-activities
Developing stakeholder maps
Module 5.3: Embedding SEACAP actions into local level plans
How to embed relevant SEACAP actions into local level plans and budgets for implementation
Module 5.4: Categorizing actions to access external finance
Grouping SEACAP actions into different climate project categories
Pooling SEACAP actions for greater project size and impact
Different funding models commonly used for climate projects
Different actors involved in climate finance landscape
Proactive steps local governments can take to overcome barriers to project development and implementation and start engaging with relevant actors
Module 6: Communicating your SEACAP
Module 6.1: Designing your SEACAP
Using design to transform the SEACAP into a flagship document
Contracting and managing designers
Applying the template
Module 6.2: Communicating your SEACAP to key stakeholders
Communicating your SEACAP to Mayors
Communicating your SEACAP to civil society

The SEACAP Toolbox has been developed by the CoM SSA initiative with funding from the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ). It was launched in November 2020 and updated in June 2022

What is CoM SSA?

Started in 2015, the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) is a major catalyst for local climate action in the region, with political commitment from over 300 local governments. The purpose of CoM SSA is to support local governments in moving from planning to implementation, with a focus on unlocking climate finance at the local level.

The CoM SSA initiative is a European Union (EU) action that supports the external dimension of the European Green Deal, as the global challenges of climate change and environmental degradation require a global response. At the same time CoM SSA moves to strengthen the Africa-EU partnership and supports Agenda 2063 of the African Union Commission. CoM SSA is the regional chapter of an international alliance of cities, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. It is a partnership between city networks, development agencies and funding institutions, supporting cities in meeting the dual challenge of climate change and access to sustainable energy to achieve a low-emission, climate resilient and sustainable energy future.

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