


Focal cities

2020 December

Adaptation: Risk & Vulnerability assessment
Adaptation: Target
Adaptation: Plan
Mitigation: Baseline inventory of GHG emissions
Mitigation: Target
Mitigation: Plan
Access to energy: Access to energy assessment
Access to Energy: Target
Access to Energy: Plan



  • AuthorAECID| UN-Habitat & ICLEI Africa

    City Infographic | Maputo Metropolitan Area SEACAP Action Plan

    This Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) brings together the three municipalities of the Maputo Metropolitan Area (MMA): Maputo, Matola, and Boane, to provide a regional and collaborative response to climate change needs in the area.

    Access to energy Adaptation CoM SSA General Mitigation
  • AuthorAECID| UN-Habitat & ICLEI Africa

    City Infographic | Maputo Metropolitan SEACAP Baseline Data Assessment

    This Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) brings together the three municipalities of the Maputo Metropolitan Area (MMA): Maputo, Matola, and Boane, to provide a regional and collaborative response to climate change needs in the area.

    Access to energy Adaptation CoM SSA General Mitigation
  • AuthorAECID| UN-Habitat & ICLEI Africa

    City Infographic | Maputo Metropolitan Area SEACAP

    This Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) brings together the three municipalities of the Maputo Metropolitan Area (MMA): Maputo, Matola, and Boane, to provide a regional and collaborative response to climate change needs in the area

    Access to energy Adaptation CoM SSA General Mitigation

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