Register now for our next regional CoM SSA Day event
Published: 14 Jun 2022
The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa is pleased to invite you to the Week for Sustainable Mobility and Climate which will take place in Dakar, Senegal, from the 3rd to 7th of October 2022.
Register here.
As Pre-COP of African actors ahead of COP27, this week will aim to bring together the community of African mobility and climate actors, and facilitate exchanges with other international experts. A large number of workshops and plenary sessions will be held in order to foster dialogue between different actors on the challenges of sustainable mobility and to strengthen climate action at the local level in Africa.
On this occasion, the CoM SSA’s co-implementing partner AECID is co-organising the CoM SSA Day event on 4 October. This day-long event will be an opportunity to highlight the most pressing issues of climate change at local level in the Sub-Saharan region. The event will focus on adaptation to climate change through energy efficiency and ecosystem based solutions putting emphasis on coastal areas.
The themes proposed are intended to motivate a reflection on the needs and challenges that local governments face, but also to present different experiences and lessons learned by pioneering Sub-Saharan African cities. Participants will attend panel discussions with presentations, workshops and peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges among thought-leaders, high-level personalities, climate experts, and field actors. In addition, spaces will be promoted for city-to-city exchanges and to find twinning arrangements and horizontal and triangular cooperation.
You are invited to participate in the event alongside CoM SSA signatory cities and the climate community to share innovative solutions to climate challenges.
All CoM SSA Day sessions will have simultaneous translation in French, English and Portuguese.
The concept notes for the sessions are available here :
- Adaptation through Energy Efficiency in Public Infrastructures
- Adaptation through Integrated Coastal management
- Strengthening African Cities’ Adaptation Finance Agenda for COP27
- Adaptation through Cost-Efficient Ecosystems-Based Solutions
- How can sub-Saharan cities mainstream gender in their climate and energy actions?
View the programme here: